
Monday, January 5, 2009

Back to school

Well, it went better than expected this morning. I thought I would have to fight to get them up and moving after two full weeks off. Danielle was actually up in time to test her sugar AND eat before she walked out the door.

Got most of my to-do list done over the weekend. Still have to get the rest of the Christmas decorations put away and back up in the attic.

I started working on my pinwheel afghan too. It's going to be pretty and so far, it's been an easy to understand pattern. We'll see when I get to the tips (you can see what it will look like by clicking the link on the side).

Hopefully get Matthew to karate tonight. He earned his purple belt at his last class, but between sickness and the holidays, it's been several weeks and I know he would like to have it in his possession. Will try to get pictures of him with it on.

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